
참나무목 화분항원간의 교차반응

홍순만1, 권재환1, 한창용1, 반정민1, 김기철1, 박기호1, 조중환1
Sun Man Hong1, Jae Hwan Kwon1, Chang Yong Han1, Jeong Min Ban1, Gi Chul Kim1, Gi Ho Park1, Joong Hwan Cho1
Author Information & Copyright
1메리놀병원 이비인후과
1Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Mary knoll General Hospital, Pusan, Korea

© Copyright 1997 The Busan, Ulsan, Gyeoungnam Branch of Korean Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: May 31, 2020


Background: The author reviewed 72 cases of Fagales pollinosis diagnosed in allergy clinic of Mary knoll general hospital from Jul. 1995 through May. 1997. Of interest is the fact that most of these patients had positive response for two or more Fagales pollen allergens in skin prick test and the patients who had single allergen were only 1.4%. Furthermore rate of positive response for Beech was 83.3%, although Beech is rare in Korea. Therefore we postulated that cross-reactivity between Fagales pollens.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to observe cross-reactivity between Fagales pollens.

Materials and methods: The subjects consist of 72 patients with Fagales pollinosis who had been tested by skin prick test and CAP System between Jul. 1995 and Jun. 1997. Correlations between the result of skin test and that of CAP system with 6 Fagales pollen allergens were studied employing the Spearman’s correlation coefficient(Rho). CAP System inhibition tests were performed on 5 of these patients, who had over 3 class of CAP results for Alder and Oak.

Results: Most combination showed statistically significant correlations. Moderate values of Rho(0.42 - 0.61) were found with skin test between the Fagales pollens(p<0.001) and high values of Rho(0.64 - 0.92) were found with CAP System score between the Fagales pollens(p<0.001). CAP scores of the Oak pollen were significantly inhibited by the Alder pollen extract, and vice versa.

Conclusion: These results demonstrated the cross—reactivity and common antigenicity between the Fagales pollen allergens. The study on identification of common antigen and the effect of cross—reactivity on imunotherapy will be more required.

Keywords: Cross-reactivity; CAP; Inhibition; Fagales; Pollen

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