만성 유착성 중이 염 에서 안면신경관의 결손
Published Online: May 31, 2020
Chronic adhesive otits media is thought to result from long-standing Eustachian tube dysfunction. The tympanic membrane becomes retracted onto the promontory and the ossicles of the middle ear. In severe cases, a tympanopiasty for the reinforcement of atlectatic tympanic membrane may be indicated. The dehiscence of the bony wall of the facial canal may be observed in tympanic portion during the operation for the chronic adhesive otitis media and care should be taken to avoid of iatrogenic facial nerve palsy. Authors reviewed 72 patients who underwent tympanomastoidectomy retrospecively and examined 30 human temporal bones who had history of chronic adhesive otitis media. There was a 77.5% incidence. The most common site was the oval window area.