
성인 편도수술 환자에서 정맥 내 자가 통증 조절법의 유용성

문지승1, 정성훈1, 구수권1, 문미진1,*
Ji Seung Moon1, Sung Hoon Jung1, Soo Kweon Koo1, Mi Jin Mun1,*
Author Information & Copyright
1부산성모병원 이비인후과
1Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Busan St. Mary’s Hospital, Busan, Korea
*교신저자: 문미진, 48575 부산광역시 남구 용호로252번길 25-14 부산성모병원 이비인후과 전화: (051) 933-7214·전송: (051) 956-1956 E-mail: eyaeyayo@naver.com

© Copyright 2015 The Busan, Ulsan, Gyeoungnam Branch of Korean Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Jul 12, 2015; Revised: Sep 25, 2015; Accepted: Oct 26, 2015

Published Online: May 31, 2020


Background: Post-tonsillectomy pain control is clinically important in otolaryngologic field. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of intravenous patients-controlled analgesia (IV PGA) after tonsillectomy in adults compare to non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). We also evaluate sexual differences in severity of postoperative pain and in response toward analgesics. Methods: In total, 40 patients underwent tonsillectomy due to frequent tonsillitis were enrolled. After subdivide patients into IV PGA group (Remifentanil 1 mg, 10 men and 10 women) and NASIDs group (Diclofenac sodium 75 mg, 10 men and 10 women), we compare postoperative pain during postoperative 3 days. Results: IV PGA group had significantly less pain at postoperative first, second and third day compared to the group using the NSAIDs (p<0.05). In IV PGA group, postoperative pain decreased more rapidly than NSAIDs group. Women complained more severe pain compared to men in both groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: IV PGA is more effective to control pain compared to NSAIDs in adult tonsillectomy patients. Women felt more intense pain than men. It is important find a suitable postoperative pain control method. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2015;26225–229)

Keywords: 편도적출술; 통증; 자가 통증 조절법; 비스테로이드소염진통제
Keywords: Tonsillectomy; Pain; Analgesia, Patient-Controlled; Anti-inflammatory agents, Non-Steroidal

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