C-arm관찰 하에 Gillies접근 방법만을 통해 정복한 협골 삼각골절 2예
Received: Sep 25, 2013; Revised: Oct 17, 2013; Accepted: Nov 18, 2013
Published Online: May 31, 2020
Many surgical approaches for reduction of zygomatic fractures have been reported, which include Gilles approach, transnasl approach, transoral approach, subcilliary approach, lateral canthal approach, eyebrow approach and transconjunctival approach, etc. The choice of surgical approach and materials for reduction of zygomatic fracture depends on the type of fracture, the surgeon’s experience and preference. In case of zygomatic tripod fracture, reduction was performed frequently by open reduction and internal fixation. However open reduction has significant drawbacks such as facial scar, facial nerve injury and blindness. Compared with open reduction, closed reduction has many advantages, which are short operative time, minimal incision, cost-effectiveness. But paucity of closed reduction was exist such as inaccurate reduction and delayed displacement. To overcome theses faults, the authors performed semi-closed reduction for the tripod fracture under intraoperative assessment using C-arm in two cases. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2013;24:270-275)