혀에 발생한 골종 1예
Received: Aug 14, 2007; Accepted: Sep 29, 2007
Published Online: May 31, 2020
Osteomas are benign bony lesions characterized by bony excrescences, and usually originating in membranous bones. In the territory of head and neck, they occur most frequently in the paranasal sinus, maxilla and mandible. But, osteomas of tongue are uncommon bony tumors, and there have been few previous reports of osteomas originating from tongue. They are usually seen on the posteior third of tongue or the vicinity to foramen cecum and circumvallate papillae. It has been postulated that they arise from branchial arch remnant or undescended thyroid tissue, and reactive lesion after trauma or irritation. This case report describes a clinically bony hard mass that occurred on the base of the tongue. Recurrence has not been reported following surgical resection. The authors report this case with review of the literature. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2007;18:257–260)