부비동 병변에 의하여 유발된 일측성 시력 소실 3예
1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1,*
1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1,*
Received: Sep 04, 2005; Accepted: Oct 14, 2005
Published Online: May 31, 2020
Three cases of unilateral visual loss caused by sinus lesion were encountered and we report three cases with literature review. Sinus inflammatory disease like sinusitis or mucocele is a common disease, but visual loss complicated by which is rare. It can be fatal and is known to have a poor prognosis. Appropriate and prompt management like intravenous antibiotics and surgical drainage must be done, when a patient is suspected of having visual loss by sinus problem. We report a case of unilateral visual loss caused by sinusitis, two cases by mucocele. The clinical courses and possible management are discussed. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2005;16:284-288)
Keywords: 시력상실; 부비동염; 점액낭종; 안와합병증
Keywords: Blindness; Sinusitis; Mucocele; Orbital disease