
반전성 유두종에서 p53 유전자의 발현

박성호1,*, 임도형1, 이강원1, 백상흠1, 홍영호1, 양훈식1, 김춘길1, 김훈1
Seng Ho Park1,*, Do Hyoung Lim1, Kang Won Lee1, Sang Heum Paik1, Young Ho Hong1, Hoon Shik Yang1, Chun Gil Kim1, Hoon Kim1
Author Information & Copyright
1중앙대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실
1Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
*교신저자: 박성호, 100-272 서울 중구 필동 2가 82-1 중앙대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실 전화: (02) 2260-2175·전송: (02) 2264-2174 E-mail: cauent@hananet.net

© Copyright 2001 The Busan, Ulsan, Gyeoungnam Branch of Korean Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Aug 10, 2001; Accepted: Aug 20, 2001

Published Online: May 31, 2020


Background and Objective: Inverted papilloma is benign lesion of paranasal sinuses, which occupies 0.5-4.0% of the neoplasm of nose. Pathologically, it is benign, but frequently invades surrounding tissue, resulting in recurrence. p53 gene is considered to be tumor suppressor gene. By some cause, if there is production of variant of p53, the change in cell cycle induced. In head and neck cancer, some repart variant form of p53 protein is related to progression of tumorogenesis. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is considered as a carcinogenesis of inverted papilloma. In the tumorogenesis of this virus, the mechanism of action is induction of impotence of p53 tumor suppressor gene of host. The purpose of this study is to understand the mechanism of pathogenesis and biologic characteristics of nasal inverted papilloma. Materials and Method: Immunohistochemical stain method of inverted papilloma, squamous cell ca in paranasal sinus, and hypertrophied nasal mucosa targeting of change of p53 protein. Results: The expression rates of p53 protein were respectively 80%, 17.2%, and 0% in squmous cell carcinomas, inverted papillomas, and inferior turbinate mucosas. The expression rate of p53 protein of inverted papillomas with dysplasia was higher (44.4%) than inverted papillomas without dysplasia (5%). Conclusion: By this result, the expression of p53 protein is considered to be related with malignant pontential, resulting in overmultiplication of inverted papillomas. These results showed that p53 play a role as a marker presenting malignancy of inverted papilloma. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2001;12:229-233)

Keywords: 반전성 유두종; p53
Keywords: Inverted papilloma; p53; Immunohistochemical technique; Human papillomavirus

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