측두골과 접형동에 발생한 다골성 섬유성 이형성증 1례
Received: Sep 01, 2000; Accepted: Oct 20, 2000
Published Online: May 31, 2020
Fibrous dysplasia is a slowly progressive, benign disorder characterized by fibrous tissue replacement of skeleton. The etiology is unkonwn, but is now believed to be a developmental error in which primitive fibrous tissue proliferates within the bony medulla and enchroaches up on the cortex. Two forms of fibrous dysplasia are recognized: monostotic form - involvement of a single bone (70%) and polyostotic multifocal form – involvement of multiple bones (30%). The temporal bone is affected only 18% of cases and the lesion are more frequently monostotic than polyostotic forms, which will frequently cause an acquired stenosis of external auditory canal and develop external canal cholesteatoma. Authors experienced a case of fibrous dysplasia of temporal bone and sphenoid sinus in 17 years old female, and reported this case with brief review of literatures. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2000;11:319-322)