술전 혈관색전술 및 하측두와 접근법을 이용한 경정맥구 종양 치험 1례
Received: Aug 08, 1999; Accepted: Dec 01, 1999
Published Online: May 31, 2020
Glomus jugulare tumor is slow growing, hypervascular neoplasm. Although glomus jugulare tumor is benign, it invades temporal bone, skull base, and lower cranial nerves and may extend further either intracranially or extracranially. Glomus jugulare tumor is difficult tumor to resect by virtue of its location, locally infiltrative behavior, and vascular nature. Surgical removal is especially complicated when cranial extension encountered. Treatment methods for glomus tumors have developed rapidly over the past two decades. Preoperative arterial embolization results in decrease in tumor size and significantly decreases blood loss. Surgically, advanced tumor is best managed by infratemporal fossa approach. We report a case of glomus jugular tumor in a 32-year old male who had had facial palsy, deafness, and other multiple lower cranial nerve palsies. The tumor was treated by preoperative embolization and infratemporal fossa approach. The patient had CSF leakage and it was managed by dural repair. Facial nerve and other lower cranial nerve palsies have not been improved until now. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 1999;10:291–296)