비중격에 원발한 소엽성 모세관 혈관종(화농성 육아종) 1례
이근섭1,*, 곽동훈1, 김선우1, 이종담1
A Case of Lobular Capillary Hemangioma on the Nasal Septum
Geun Seob Lee1,*, Dong Hun Kwak1, Sun Woo Kim1, Jong Dam Lee1
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1Department of Otolaryngology, Choonhae Hospital, Pusan, Korea
*교신저자: 이근섭, 614-021 부산광역시 부산진구 범천동 873번지 춘해병원 이비인후과 전화: (051) 645-2181· 전송: (051) 645-8980
© Copyright 1999 The Busan, Ulsan, Gyeoungnam Branch of Korean Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received: Oct 05, 1999; Accepted: Nov 29, 1999
Published Online: May 31, 2020
The lobular capillary hemangioma (pyogenic granuloma) is a rapidly growing benign haemorrhagic lesion of unknown cause. The disease usually affects a skin and an oral mucosa. It appears rare on the nasal septum, and at times difficult to differentiate from the hemangioma or the angiofibroma, etc. on the kisselbach’s area. It is characterized intermittent bleeding with ulceration and nasal obstruction. Resently the authors had experienced a case of lobular capillary hemangioma from right nasal septum. The patient treated by local excision and nasal packing for control of bleeding. Histopathologic study reported lobular capillary hemangioma and no recurrences yet. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 1999;10:277–279)
Keywords: 소엽성 모세관 혈관종(화농성 육아종); 격막
Keywords: Lobular capillary hemangioma (pyogenic granuloma); Septum