Journal of Clinical Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
The Busan, Ulsan, Gyeoungnam Branch of Korean Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
아놀드 신경에서 발생한 외이도의 신경초종 1예
이오형1, 박정미1, 한정주1, 박시내1,*
Oh Hyeong Lee1, Jung Mee Park1, Jung Ju Han1, Shi Nae Park1,*
Received: Aug 03, 2018; Revised: Nov 06, 2018; Accepted: Nov 21, 2018
Published Online: May 31, 2020
Neurilemmoma is a benign tumor that originates from the Schwann cell. It frequently occurs in head and neck regions, but neurilemmoma of external auditory canal is extremely rare. Here, we report a very rare case of 36-year-old male with a tumor located in the posterior wall of external auditory canal, preoperatively suspected as neurilemmoma originated from Arnold’s nerve by temporal bone magnetic resonance imaging. The tumor mass was surgically excised and pathologically confirmed as a neurilemmoma (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2018;29:245-249)
Keywords: 신경초종; 외이도 종양; 아놀드 신경; 자기 공명영상
Keywords: Neurilemmoma; External auditory canal; Arnold’s nerve; Magnetic resonance imaging