수술로써 치료한 일측성 상악동 병변 318예의 후향적 연구
Received: Aug 03, 2018; Revised: Sep 14, 2018; Accepted: Nov 12, 2018
Published Online: May 31, 2020
Background and Objectives: Unilateral maxillary sinus lesions are relatively common but may occur in variety of causes. Therefore, accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment are needed. The aim of this study is to review patients with unilateral maxillary sinus lesion who underwent surgical treatment and to analyze causes and characteristics of unilateral maxillary sinus lesions with literature review. Materials and Methods: A retrospective chart analysis was completed on 318 patients with unilateral maxillary sinus lesions who underwent surgical treatment from January, 2008 through May, 2018. Clinical history and data such as age, sex, symptoms of initial, radiologic and dental finding, operation type were collected from medical record. Results: Patients mean age was 50.7 years with slight male gender dominance. Most common type was sinusitis (42.7%), followed by odontogenic sinusitis (22.3%) and fungal ball (19.5%). In particular, the most common cause of odontogenic sinusitis was post dental surgery such as implant. Middle meatal antrostomy (90.9%) was accounted for a great part of surgery underwent to patients. Patients complained of post nasal discharge (62.9%), nasal obstruction (40.9%) and odor smell(35.2%) most commonly. Periapical lucency (35.8%) was the most common in CT finding followed by implant perforation (17.3%) and oroantral fistula (12.3%) in odontogenic sinusitis. Conclusions: Unilateral maxillary sinus lesions are relatively common, but they are increasing recently with dental procedures such as implant surgery, and serious adverse effects due to malignant tumors or improper treatment may occur, so accurate diagnosis and treatment are needed. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2018;29:204-211)