Journal of Clinical Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
The Busan, Ulsan, Gyeoungnam Branch of Korean Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
외이도 골종
이종담1,*, 박호선1, 곽동훈1, 윤상호1
A Osteoma of the External Auditory Canal
Jong Dam Lee1,*, Ho Sun Park1, Dong Hun Kwak1, Sang Ho Youn1
1Department of Otolaryngology, Choon Hae Hospital, Busan, Korea
*교신저자: 이종담, 부산광역시 부산진구 범천동 춘해병원 이비인후과 전화: (051) 645-8971·전송: (051) 645-8980 E-mail:
© Copyright 2002 The Busan, Ulsan, Gyeoungnam Branch of Korean Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received: Sep 17, 2002; Accepted: Oct 05, 2002
Published Online: May 31, 2020
Osteoma of the external auditory canal is an uncommon slow growing benign tumor which may arise from the outer half of the bony canal. It is a characteristically unilateral, pedunculated hard mass. In the temporal bone, osteoma commonly arise in the external auditory canal. Osteoma is usually asymptomatic until their large size results in conductive hearing loss or ear fullness. CT scan is helpful to delineate the size, location and relationship of adjacent structure. The best way to treat is surgical removal under good exposure. In this case, we have experienced a osteoma of external auditory canal in 33-years-old male. We report this case with literature review. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2002;13:213–215)
Keywords: 골종; 외이도
Keywords: Osteoma; External auditory canal