자연유양골절제의 전산화단층촬영 소견: 유양돌기절제술후 측두골 결손과의 비교
Received: May 01, 2000; Accepted: Nov 07, 2000
Published Online: May 31, 2020
Background and Objectives: To describe the CT findings of automastoidectomy caused by cholesteatoma, and to evaluate the natural course of cholesteatoma by comparing it with the postmastoidectomy defect of the temporal bone. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the CT findings of 21 cases of automastoidectomy in 17 patients with cholesteatoma and of 19 cases of postmastoidectomy in 16 patients. Results: 1) In automastoidectomy, the posterior walls of bony defects of the temporal bone were thinner (mean thickness in automastoidectomy/postmastoidectomy : 2 mm/3.5 mm and smoother (n=l4) than postmastoidectomy cases (n=8). 2) Defects of the posterosuperior wall of the bony external auditory canal were present in all cases of automastoidectomy (100%). 3) There were gross defects of the lateral bony cortex of the mastoid (68%), Henle’s spine (100%) in cases of postmastoidectomy, but in some cases of automastoidectomy (19%, 24%). 4) There were soft tissue densities within the bony defect and sinus tympani in all cases of automastoidectomy (100%) and in some cases of postmastoidectomy (63% and 37%). Conclusion: When comparing automastoidectomy and postmastoidectomy, CT findings concerning bony defects were different with regard to the remaining posterior wall, the extent of bony defect, and the presence of findings which suggested an active disease process. These differences are helpful in differentiating automastoidectomy and postmastoidectomy and in understanding the natural course of cholesteatoma. Background and Objectives: Since the concept of functional sinus surgery and optical aids such as. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2000;11:222–229)