Journal of Clinical Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
The Busan, Ulsan, Gyeoungnam Branch of Korean Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
How I Do It
이주연골편이식과 하비도 측벽 피판을 사용한 거대한 비중격 천공 재건술
장철호1,*, 이진수1, 김영훈1
Chul-Ho Jang1,*, Jin-Su Lee1, Young-Hun Kim1
Published Online: May 31, 2020
It is difficult to manage large nasal septal perforation and reperforation rate is high after repair it. The method for surgical closure has been introduced such as direct closure, cartilage autograft and temporalis fascia using intranasal or external approach. Recently, we experienced 2 cases of large septal perforations. We used tragal cartilage autograft and posteriorly based mucoperiosteal flap with unilateral direct suture under midfacial degloving approach. The healing time was faster. So we report our method with brief review of the literatures. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2000;11:175-178)
Keywords: 비중격 천공; 연골자가이식; 점막성 골성 피판
Keywords: Nasal septal perforation; Cartilage autograft; Mucoperiosteal flap