하인두암 환자에서 중복하여 발병한 식도암 2례
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Published Online: May 31, 2020
Since the first documentation of 2 cases of multiple squamous cell carcinoma by Billroth in 1889, there were many reports about multiple primary malignancies in head and neck area. The concept of field cancerization which is introduced by Sloughter et al (1953)12) is accepted as the basis for the relative high rate of double primary head and neck tumor. The reported frequency of second primary neoplasm is variable according to reports from 6.5 to 35%. The authors have experienced 2 cases(2.9% of second primary esophageal carcinoma in 67 cases of hypopharyngeal cancer diagnosed at Department of Otolaryngology, Pusan National University Hospital from March, 1987 to July, 1994.
Keywords: Second primary esophageal carcinoma; Hypopharyngeal cancer